Original and limited edition prints available

I’ve been fortunate enough to visit some of the most amazing art galleries in the world, including the Vatican and the Louvre. It’s no surprise how much I enjoyed seeing some of the most iconic paintings in the world, but what caught me off guard was how much I was drawn to the statues. Almost immediately, ideas started bouncing around in my head about who would be the modern-day philosophers and poets people would look upon hundreds of years from now. Naturally, that path headed towards the musicians of the 20th and 21st centuries. I started to conceptualize a few different ways to portray this idea, and am looking forward to sharing some more of these concepts very soon.

This piece was the first to be actualized. I figured the most recognizable statue in the world would be a good jumping off point. And with its title simply being "DAVID", it was almost taunting me to paint it as a defaced statue with the most prominent David in rock and roll history. The concept of incorporating the Bowie lightning bolt to the face is a collision of Michelangelo’s world/art with my own.